want to be published in 2020?

Want to Be Published in 2020? Ya Gotta Have a Plan

Self-publishing is not for sissies. There’s loads to do, and even more to think about.

However, if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s if you want anything, you gotta have a plan.

This may seem simple, but I’m finding there are a lot of us out there who just don’t get it. (And I’m not talking just self-published authors, either.) Every single one of us has the potential to do, be, accomplish whatever it is we set out to do. Often times, we let the fear of the unknown, or perhaps the fear of failure deter us.

Henry David Thoreau“Most men lead lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them.”

~Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience and Other Essays

Doesn’t that quote make your stomach feel sick?

It hits me in the gut because it’s so true. But it doesn’t have to be this way… Hell, it SHOULDN’T be this way.

Getting things organized for Author Revolution to launch big as an indie-publishing hub has been a challenge. But it’s not the only thing I’m doing. I also have 2020 plans to hit the NYT Bestseller List with my Windhaven Academy Series.

Both of these BIG DREAM goals are happening simultaneously and for some people, it would make them fold into themselves. For me, not only is it a super challenge, but it’s also a means to show you what can be done. I want to put my money where my mouth is and rock this thing out in a way even I haven’t done in the past.

But how?

By setting goals and getting organized. Mapping out my game plan – and I wanted to share what I’ve learned with you as a marketing professional, and publishing powerhouse (aka slightly crazy person).

There are rules to get you started on any large scale project. Just three of them, so don’t panic.


  1. Dream Big

  2. Make a Plan

  3. Execute

Sounds like a piece of cake, right?

While it’s simple – it can be a damn hard challenge to implement. So in case you need a little more help, let’s break it down.

Dreaming Big

This is where you start brainstorming up all the awesomaucity you can on the goal you want to achieve. But don’t stop there. Visualize everything you desire. Want to be a successful author? What does that look like to you? Be specific. Is it selling a hundred books a month? A thousand? A hundred-thousand?

Whatever the case might be, you need to have a clear goal in mind.

Make that Plan

Now that you have a goal, make that plan, silly. Seriously. You already know you need to do it. So, sit your butt in a chair and get started. You need to get into the nitty gritty details of how you’re going to accomplish the goal you’re seeking. Step by itty bitty step.

Plan to self-publish in 5 months? Cool. What’s that gonna take? What is your editorial process? Do you have your outline mapped out? What are the deadlines involved? Who do you need to lean on for help?

List out everything and anything that comes to mind – big or small. Then break those down into bite-size, manageable tasks. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by the “HOLY BLOODY HELL THERE’S A LOT TO DO!” mentality of it all, or it will suck you dry of all your enthusiasm and oomf! You’ll be sitting on the couch watching another rerun of Friends, wishing you had taken action.

Get a calendar and make meticulous notes of when you have deadlines. Studies show that people who are organized, take notes, and/or write things in a journal are more likely to succeed. You don’t have to be stellare at it, you just have to try.

Execute that Sucker

Now that you have realistic tasks you can knock out on your way to your ÜBER goal – start working on them.

I mean, it’s all snazzerific to have dreams and stuff – but c’mon. You gotta work at them. If  you got yourself organized and mapped out your course, you can see clearly the steps you need to take. Start with the first one, and keep moving. If you have setbacks, learn from them. Don’t waste valuable time in perpetual dwelling. Take what you now know, tweak your objective, and continue on.

Be sure to celebrate the small accomplishments, too. Did you figure out how to write another 1000 words in a day? WHOO-HOO! Time for a snoopy-dance!


Keep at the execution of the small steps, and one day, you’ll be at the ultimate goal. I know I will.

So tell me… what are your 2020 writerly plans?

Picture of Carissa Andrews | Rapid Release Queen

Carissa Andrews | Rapid Release Queen

Carissa Andrews is an internationally bestselling author from central Minnesota who writes a combination of science fiction, fantasy, and dystopia. As an expert in independent publishing and audiobook production, Carissa continually writes and publishes books readers of all ages enjoy. Her plans for 2020 include hitting the NYT Bestseller list with her new Windhaven Academy series. As a publishing powerhouse, she keeps sane by chilling with her husband and five kids, playing with art in its various forms, seeking out mysteries, and being an occasional meditation and reiki badass.

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