Meet Tracey Shearer!
Jun 28, 2023
Come meet Tracey Shearer and browse their books at our Summer 2023 Book Bazaar June 19th-30th 2022! Click here to check it out!
Tell us about your books! What do you love to write about?
My current trilogy has been called genre-defying! There are bits of mystery, romance, suspense, fantasy, womens fiction and thriller in my books. And because of that, I have a large span of readers from teens all the way up to their nineties. Originally I thought only women would like my books, but I have a ton of male readers too. My themes of the power of friendship, accepting yourself — both the light and the dark, and seeing the past with older eyes, have really resonated with my readers.
Entwine, Raven, and Threshold follow three strong women with powerful gifts of their own. While trying to figure out new mysteries in each book, they also search for love (with hunky Scottish men), and to repair the childhood friendship they lost so many years ago. There are ghosts, Scotland, magic, murder — something for everyone!
I love to write about complex characters who are flawed. Because none of us are perfect. And I find when I write about characters who struggle and who have damage, my readers really connect with them. I also love writing stories with at least a hint of something magical. I believe we all have magic within us — we just need to motivate it.
What inspired you to get started as an author?
I have always loved storytelling. Ever since I was a kid. I got my gift of stories from my dad. And I had always wanted to be an author, but I kept putting it off. The years went by and I kept telling myself “someday”. Then I ended up losing my job, I got cancer, and my mom died, all within a few months. It was a wake-up call to stop wasting time. My perspective shifted and I thought about what I would regret not doing. And that was writing and publishing a book. Now, I didn’t know if I’d be alive to see it published — my cancer is super rare and I was only given a 50% chance to live — but I had to try. My publishing journey was tumultuous, but I never gave up! And I’ve fought cancer four times now.
What are your favorite books to read?
I grew up on Stephen King. I enjoyed how he made you care about characters so deeply and so quickly. Even the ones you didn’t think you were going to like. I love books that aren’t predictable. I want to have a fun twist or be surprised.
For shoppers shopping for their loved ones, tell us who are your book (s) for?
There is some sex in my books — not gratuitous, but it’s there. So, I would say teens on up. Though I have had readers tell me that their ten-year-olds stole their copies and loved my books. They just skimmed over the romance/sex stuff because it was icky - haha! My advice always, if you’re thinking of younger readers, is to read my books first. Then you can make an informed decision if your daughter, son, niece, etc. would be a good reader for them. And both men and women have loved my books. So, they’re really great for gifting.
What’s the message you want to get out to people this Summer?
Keep buying books! Support indie authors especially. It can be tough doing it on your own. And please leave reviews. You don’t know just how important those are. I’ve had readers at book events, check out my reviews online, and then come back and buy my books. Reviews are gold! Thank you to everyone for their support!
Where can we find you online?
My website is I’m also on Twitter, FB and IG at @traceylshearer. And I love to hear what you think about my books, so please feel free to contact me.