Meet Carlyle Labuschagne!
Nov 04, 2022
Come meet Carlyle Labuschagne and browse their books at our Online Holiday Book Bazaar November 1st-30th 2022! Click here to check it out!
Tell us about your books!
Like me, my books are all over the place in genre and location. For lack of a better word, I would say I am spontaneous. I have books ranging from Science Fiction Fantasy, supernatural suspense, dark fantasy to romantic suspense. I am published with CHBB publishing, three of my book are published on the readict app, and I'm published with Fire Quill Publishing. And much like me I suck at goodbye's so my trilogy The Broken Novels remains without a conclusion for a very long time now.
What do you love to write about?
Mostly I write for a reason - to heal. Not only myself but hopefully readers that connect with my characters. I love to write about the underdog, about the character who is so flawed, all seems hopeless. But they soon become the heroes of their own worlds and heroes for others - flaws and all. I love to write about breaking rules and being in love no matter what it costs you.
What inspired you to get started as an author?
I've always written, since I was able to write - I wrote. My school friends get in touch and tell me how I told them all I would write books one day, and for some reason, I can't remember saying those words. I guess my soul was speaking for me. When I actually decided I was going to become a published author was after the birth of my second son and someone introduced me to Twilight Saga. Something sparked in me after I finished that series. If she could do it, so could I. I set off to write my first book and I never looked back.
What are your favorite books to read?
I am still a YA reader at heart, but sometimes I like to mix it up with mystery novels.
For shoppers holiday shopping for their loved ones, tell us who are your book(s) for?
My books are for readers who want more than just entertainment but want a little residue of the tale to leave you wondering and searching your soul. That is my ultimate goal!
What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?
I believe everyone has the right to infinite chances to grow in their lifetime. We are flawed and we can always be and do better. As long as your intentions are good, you are a good person.
Where can we find you online?