
Ep 221: The Science Behind Manifestation

When authors encounter the concept of manifestation, skepticism often arises alongside curiosity. The internal tug-of-war between wanting to embrace the potential of manifestation and the need for concrete evidence creates a unique challenge. How does one reconcile the intuitive allure of manifesting success with a skeptical mind that craves rationality? This dilemma is common among creative individuals who seek to blend their imaginative aspirations with a grounded approach to their goals and dreams.

In this episode, we navigate the intersection of psychology and quantum physics to demystify the science behind manifestation, making it accessible for both believers and skeptics. By examining the psychological underpinnings that shape our realities and venturing into the quantum realm where science echoes spiritual principles, I hope to provide a balanced view that enriches the concept of manifestation. This exploration aims to equip authors with practical insights and strategies to harness the power of manifestation, blending the mystical with the empirical to empower their creative and professional endeavors.

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If you are looking for links to anything we discussed on the show today, be sure to check them out below:
Episode 232: The Wealthy Woman with Christine Luken
Author Mindset

Ep 232: The Wealthy Woman with Christine Luken

Many authors and creatives often find themselves avoiding discussions about money, steering clear of examining their financial situations or exploring effective strategies for wealth preservation. This avoidance can lead to missed opportunities and financial instability,

Read More or Listen »

About The Author Revolution® Podcast:

As an international bestselling author, indie author coach, former president of the Lakes Area Writers Alliance, and CEO of Author Revolution®, there is nothing better than writing, reading, publishing – or talking about all of the above.

I’ve been in the indie author space since 2010, but in the world of books and publishing for much longer. So, when I say that the industry and publishing world has changed, I don’t say it lightly.

However, my hope for you through listening to this podcast is that you find actionable tips and tricks that will help you on your indie author journey. Self-publishing is not for the faint of heart, my friend, but I can tell you – you don’t have to do it alone. I’ll be right here, cheering you on every step of the way.

This podcast is going to take you behind the scenes of all aspects of writing, publishing, and marketing your novels. We’ll dive into a lot of strategies that are new – maybe some you’ve never even heard of.

Picture of Carissa Andrews

Carissa Andrews

International Bestselling Indie Author | CEO of Author Revolution® | Host of the Author Revolution® Podcast

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